About Peroneal Tendon Tears
There are two peroneal tendons on the outside of the ankles. They connect the ankle and foot to the muscles in your lower leg and aid in stability when changing direction. These tendons can become torn due to overuse or injury.
The injury can result from a sudden twisting motion or an ankle sprain that stretches the ankle’s outer ligaments too far. This is particularly common on sports such as football, running and dancing.
Pain along the outside of the foot, ankle, and lower leg that increases with activity and decreases with rest. This may be associated with warmeth, swelling or tenderness as well as instability.
In mild to moderate cases, a peroneal tendon tear can be treated non-surgically, initially with rest and pain relief and then with gentle strengthening exercises and Physiotherapy. In more severe cases, surgery may be an option to repair the torn tendon.